Friday, March 31, 2017

I caught a Man Cold!!

No seriously I caught a cold this week and it knocked me flat.  Sick all week, exhausted, hurting, coughing, sneezing, nose that would not stop!  I was miserable, and probably a baby, which made my hubby come right out and say it:  "Honey, Dear, You have a Man Cold just chill the hell out...."
(laughing hysterically)

Now lets put things in perspective here.  The last time I got sick was 3 or 4 years ago during Christmas the whole family caught the flu.  That's how many years of me not getting sick, and being healthy for the family?  Yeah, okay so I believe it was time for me to get sick.  I didn't want to, but my body said hey there pretty lady I think you're over due for a cold.  I just didn't read the fine print where it said they are going to give me a special cold... a man cold....

I had a horrible 4 days of sneezing, and coughing, and I hate to say it, but in order to just have my nose stop for 5 flippen minutes I shoved tissues up my nose.  Yep I did, up the nose!  I would walk around the house or just sit there with tissue up my nose.  Of course as soon as I sneezed they came out...

During this time, I slept, laid around, I didn't do a damn thing.  Didn't cook, didn't do laundry, didn't drive my kids to school.  It was great! I slept in, and rested.  I can see why men do this!
Now my poor hubby, he had to put up with me, and take care of the kids. I tried really hard not to touch much and not be around especially Declan since I didn't want anyone to catch it.  But that left it all on hubby to get it done, karate, dinner, Declan's dinner, diapers, homework, cleaning, everything....

Now now I was probably being a baby, I made him check my head, more than once, and listen to my lungs for pneumonia.... maybe more than once....   But I was coughing so hard I think I bruised my lung!

Today I feel much better, some coughing but definitely got my energy back. So no worries I will be back to normal very very soon..... or will I?   Having a week off was really nice. ;p

Below I will post the video my husband showed me for my man cold, it is really funny, but I will have you know he didn't cook me any soup, he only had to make dinners...

Also I wanted to say a big thank you to my husband, he has worked hard, and is a great dad.  We love you very much!

man cold video

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