Since I haven't posted in a long awhile I wanted to give an update about Declan and how he has been. He is turning 5 this month! I never thought we would get here, but it has gotten easier throughout the years. He has plateau'd on some things and gotten worse in others. We still quarantine ourselves during winter. Everyone knows not to come near us if they are sick and I try to keep us as healthy as we can, but school and work don't help. We have done great this season so far, only had the flu once and we got the tamiflu and kicked its butt quick. The cold weather on the other hand has not helped Declan or us. When the pressure is high it is the worst for him. His whole body hurts and he can't sleep... which mean we don't get to sleep either. We can't take him out when it is heavily snowing either. Since I haven't learned how to turn into the hulk in order to carry his 300 lb wheelchair. Maybe that can be my goal this year? ha ha who are we kidding. So I am sure we are getting some cabin fever and may just go crazy. So it was disappointing to hear the groundhog say 6 more weeks of winter. I hope he is wrong. I'm not sure if other kids like Declan have similar issues with the weather. But cold is not our friend.
Declan is in his last year of preschool, and will be starting kindergarten in the fall. Nervous is the word I would use, but I am positive he will do great. He has been in preschool since he was three. Making friends where ever he goes. He is talking much more but is still delayed so we have had speech therapy and are looking into getting some communication help with programs on tablets and such. Look forward to those posts I'm hoping to get the ball rolling this year. We still have PT and OT therapies. We are trying to maintain the movement he has, but those pesky contractors have given us a lot of trouble. His right arm, elbow to fingers is where he has the most movement. Due to an accident in August which broke his right leg femur we also found out both hips are dislocated. They said it is normal for children like Declan that sit in a chair all day for this is happen. The pelvic bone flattens out and can't hold in the bone to keep it in place. I still think it causes him pain and now he can not lay flat on his back so I wanted to talk to the doctors about putting them back in. Which mean hospital stay...ugh!! His legs are still bad. He is at a 45 degree angle and all we can do is stretch him and rub him down. We've talk about surgery to cut the tight tendons but it will cause a lot of scar tissue so they don't like to do it until the child is 10 years old. So we have some time. We will be doing surgery on his right ankle though. I don't know when but it is on the list to get done. Picture below:
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right ankle turned in. |
His back, oh my his back I don't know if getting the Magec rods was good or not. I love the short 5 minute doctor's visits for the extensions every 3-4 months, but this poor kid can't keep his right rod connected to his pelvic bone. Declan's bones are already soft and it doesn't take much for the clamp to get knocked off. I've lost count how many surgeries this kid has had and I know we are in for even more. The rods have helped a lot with his breathing though I can't argue that. He has got a set of lungs for sure. I also know if we didn't do something I think we would have lost him from all the pressure that was on his lungs. The docs have us putting him on a bipap at night, and boy does he hate it! We hate it. It doesn't help him sleep better it makes him sleep worse. Let me tell you almost 5 years of never sleeping through the night is rough and we value our sleep. So when a machine makes things worse it is really hard to get on board to like it. I think we will have a talk with the doc in the near future. Some things you just have to say "stop, no more." But I'm trying!!!
I don't remember if I ever posted about Declan receiving his Gtube. We had to bite the bullet and take the plunge. When he got sick with pneumonia and we stayed in the hospital for a week they had to insert an NG tube through the nose and we couldn't get him off of it. So we decided to go ahead and do surgery for the Gtube. We've had a few ups and down with the it but overall it worked out well. It is still very hard for Declan to gain weight and he is still on his own curve. Following his own path. Recently the hubby got a new job so that meant new insurance. Turns out for some stupid reason United Healthcare has decided to not pay for any formula anymore, including those meant for gtube children. Yeah stupid is a nice term. So when we were looking at $280 a month for his formula out of pocket I went in search of something else. I don't even remember how I came across it or why I remembered it. A blended diet. We use everyday foods, most of which I already have cause we eat them ourselves and use an industrial blender to puree the food and do bolus feeds throughout the day. Well thanks to my mom and dad they gave me an early christmas gift, a Blendtec. I love it! It does a wonderful job. It takes me about 10-15 mins to blend and cook Declan's food and put in a mason jar in the fridge. Which we use throughout the day. He gets 60-120 mls each feed and we feed him about every two hours. It take about 5 mins to push it into his extension and we flush the line with warm water and done! Over night we run water through his pump so he doesn't become dehydrated. There is a ton of help with support groups on facebook and I found a website called: They can help anyone interested in starting a blended diet for their Gtube child. Before we started the blended diet we could only get three cans of formula into him. But with the blended diet we can get a whole jar into him throughout the day. Therefor he is actually receiving more calories than before and I'm not going to be upset about that. He can also eat what the family is eating spaghetti, meatloaf, chicken alfredo... doesn't matter, we just blend it! I feel like he is eating healthier and staying healthier. He will outlive us all.
Even though we struggle we love this kid. He is both frustrating and hilarious. This is one wild ride we are on, and it is teaching us so much. We have become a better family, we have become better people. I may not be able to hang out with friends as much as I use to, or go to every party, but don't stop asking. I'm still here just with a lot less free time. Drop off some Dr. Pepper and a romance novel and I will love you forever!
If you have any questions comment below.
Thanks for hanging in there with me!
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one blended feed vs. it's equal calorie intake with formula |
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blending his food. |
Even though we struggle we love this kid. He is both frustrating and hilarious. This is one wild ride we are on, and it is teaching us so much. We have become a better family, we have become better people. I may not be able to hang out with friends as much as I use to, or go to every party, but don't stop asking. I'm still here just with a lot less free time. Drop off some Dr. Pepper and a romance novel and I will love you forever!
If you have any questions comment below.
Thanks for hanging in there with me!
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